Witness Letters
WS Thomas



[Notes from letter; typed in NYHS]

United States Marine Corps
Marine Barracks
Portsmouth NH
August 4, 1920

Dear Dr. Thomas:-

Your letter of July 27th reached me here, where I have been on duty for the past six months. Such Livingston letters that I have so far found I am sending you by registered mail, will look about for some others and if I locate them will send them on.

No doubt the Boston paper is the Transcript, I take it and am on the outlook for the article you mention.

A letter from Mother today informs me that she too has heard from you, so we are all anxious to see what you say about the Night Before Christmas.


Your loving cousin
Robert L. Denig

My youngest son 6 months old is James Livingston Hubbard

SOURCE: New York Historical Society, Thomas Papers


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