*T Henry, A Rebus (on the Name of Nancy Crooke) (dance) *U Poem http://www.iment.com/maida/familytree/henry/writing/poetry/dance.htm *U Grammar http://www.iment.com/maida/familytree/henry/xmasresearch/grammarhenry.htm#dance *U Search http://www.iment.com/maida/familytree/henry/xmasresearch/searchablehenryspoems.htm#dance *C MSS p.29, Unpublished Take the name of the swain a forlorn witless elf Who was chang'd to a flow'r for admiring himself. A part deem'd essential in each lady's dress: With what maidens cry, when they wish to say yes. A lullabye carriage soft cozy & light: With the name of the poet who sang on the night. The queen of Cairo, all lovely and winning Whose blandishments ever kept Antony grinning. The flow'r whose odours unremittingly please: With the glory of forests, the king of the trees. To the prince of the fairies, a jealous old knave, Put the name of the tree that undid mother Eve. To finish the whole add that period of day, When the linnet & thrush to repose hie away. The initials of these, if adjusted with care, Will show you the fairest where thousands are fair. The sweet, pretty graces still hover about her, And Cupid would die with vexation without her. When she swims in the dance or wherever she goes She's crowded by witlings, plain-fellows & beaux Who throng at her elbow & tread on her toes. If a pin or a hankerchief happen to fall To seize on the prise fills with uproar the hall: Such pulling and hawling & shoving & pushing As rivals the racket of ' key & the cushion;' And happy - thrice happy! too happy! the swain Who can replace the pin or bandana again. Tho the fellows surround & so humbly adore her The girls on the contrary cannot endure her; Her beauty their beauty forever disgraces And her sweeter face still eclipses their faces. For no lov'ly girl can a lov'ly girl bear And fair-ones are ever at war with the fair.