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PAGE 170


When it was first laid on me to goe, I was most averse therefrom. My reasons were three. First, My own insufficiency, haveing ane naturall antipathy from publick imployment and state matters, and having some scruple that ministers medled but too much therein, and knowing my own unacquaintednes and inability in such things, and my softness of disposition, ready to condescend too easily to anything having any shew of reason, not being able to debate and1 dispute any business, so that I feared I should be ane grief and shame to these that sent me, beside that I could not promply speak the Latine tongue, which was requisite among forreign divines. This first reason I expressed in the Commission of the Kirk. The other two, which weighed as much with me, I suppressed. The second was, when I considered the commissioners sent by the State, I was not willing to embarque in any bussiness with them: Cassills, Brodie, and Alexander Jaffray, I had no exception against; the other three I suspected would be more ready to condescend to ane agreement upon unsafe terms. Louthian I had found two years before in harvest 1648, when the rest rose against the engadgers returning home from England, that he was very ill pleased with their2 riseing, and he was many wayes involved with the Marqueis of Argyle, who of ane long time had been very intire with William Murray and Sir Robert Murray, negotiators for the king, and who, it is thought, put him in hopes that the king might3 marry his daughter. Libberton had been long with the king at Jersay, and brought the overture4 of the treaty, and in all his discourses gave evidence of ane earnest desyre upon any terms to have the king brought home, wherin it is like he thought he would have ane chief share of the thanks. Sir John Smith had tampered with James Graham 1645, and was ane man of no great abilitie, and what ability he had I suspected would not


1    "Or."

2    "The."

3    "Would."

4    "Overtures."

PAGE 171

be well employed. The third reason was, when I looked upon the whole bussiness, and the terms wherupon the king was to be admitted to his government, upon his bare subscriving or swearing some words without any evidence that it was done from the heart, I suspected it might prove ane designe for promoting ane malignant interest to the prejudice of the work of God, and that our nobles who had power in their hands, fearing, if matters went on as formerly, that they might be levelled; and knowing that many in the kingdome would be willing to receive the king upon any terms, whom possibly the malignants might bring home without them, and knowing that after so many backslidings the well-affected were but few, and many of them simple, and all of them desyreous to give the king all his due, religion and liberty being secured, upon some such considerations thought it their safest [way] to have the king: not looking much what might be the consequences. For these reasons, I was fully resolved to have gone home, and taken my hazard of any censure of the kirk for my disobedience, especially when I perceived that sundry1 well-affected, whose judgement I reverenced, had great fears of the issue2 of the treaty. But according as my nature is blunt and ready to yield, chiefly to those whom I knew both pious and wise, Mr David Dicksone, Mr James Guthrie, Mr Patrick Gillespie, after some whiles dealing, prevailed with me to goe. One word I foolishly spoke then to them, which many a time thereafter met me. That ere I condescended to goe, and to have an hand in the consequences that I apprehended would follow, I would choose rather to condescend, if it were the Lord's will, to be drouned in the waters by the way.

That very day3 we landed in Camphire, Loudon4 and Liberton proponed that letters might be write to the Hague by the commissioners to Duke Hamilton and the Earle of Lauderdale, and some other malignants, to find themselves at Breda to help forward the treatie. This was not agreed to; but the proponing of it was no


1    "Observed that severall."

2    "Feared the issue."

3    "That."

4    "Lothian."


Rev. John Livingston,
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