Marriage Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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this mysterious purpose, it became indispensably requisite to ascertain the manner in which a legimate generation should proceed; and establish that rule for its attainment, which would rebound most to his glory, and be productive of the greatest happiness and dignity of the human race. These high and interesting ends have been attained by the institution of MARRIAGE.

An ordinance replete with such benefits, could never have been investigated by man, or rendered efficient by human activity. None but the blessed Maker and Governor of the world, was competent to devise an adequate expedient for forming new and endearing relations; to impress a prevailing bias in its favour; or enforce universal submission.

Marriage is a benevolent institution; benign in its principles, beneficial in its consequences, and the source of blessings and comforts, when rightly improved, which cannot, by any other means, be possibly realised. It insures a pure offspring and raises families; it alleviates cares and protects from temptations; it produces an affectionate communication


and affords contentment and happiness, without the collision of separate interests.

It is an acceptable institution and universally adopted. The sacred ordinance has forever remained in force, and been received with veneration and gratitude. In every age and in all nations it has prevailed, and will continue to the end of the world. Both sexes have cheerfully submitted to it; they always have and always will be "marrying and giving in marriage."

It is as honourable as it is benevolent and acceptable. The propagation of mankind, and the first principles of society are hereby established upon a respectable and virtuous basis; and human nature is dignified by the prohibition of promiscuous and unlawful cohabitation.

GOD honours marriage. "The Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him - and the rib which the Lord had taken from made, made he a woman, and brought her unto man - so God created man in his own image, male and female created


Rev. John H. Livingston:     Memoirs,     Psalms and Hymns,     Funerals,     Marriage,     Eulogy

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